This is a dialogue between a poster on my message board (Pixie) and myself over the meaning of religion, The initial issue is what does religion explain? His position is it explains nothing.
Metacrock said of religion:
In addition to explaining things it really explains it was also used to explaimn things it really didn't explain but it was all they had,then they discovered science.
It got me wondering what is there that religion does explain? Cannot anyone give any examples - together with an outline of the explanation, just so we can see it really does have one.
I've already answered that several times. there are many things:
*Origin of existence
*meaning and value of life
*grounding axioms (you never am answered)
*understanding and resolving the human problematic
probably more that's enoigh
Mother nature would not be an explanation for the origin of existence, would not ground axioms or provide meaning and value or understanding and resolution to the human problematic. God would be an explanation definitionally because of aseity and necessity. In fact, I think God under some definition would be the only explanation for origin of existence. The atheist can counter that that's a meaningless or superfluous question, but that's not what you were asking
the rainbow thing is a literary device and a metaphor perhaps. If we look at it on the simplistically we might think it's just about explanation why there are rainbows,. That's too simple minded. No religious people are that banal. It's a metaphor and what it is a metaphor of is probably similar to what I'm talking about.
we would have to determine what the rain bow means to know that. Simpler just to try and say something that can be communicated about what kind of things I feel it explains and that;'s what I've done below.
That is not an explanation, it is a claim. It explains nothing.
the point of the story about Noah is not explain why there are rainbows,. maybe it was at one time but by the time it's redacted into the text it's gone though a lot of sophisticated re telling. Attributing the universe to God's creation is very different. You have no alternative, you do not know how the universe came to be or why and the best you can do is examine the physical process but you have no way to penetrate the singularity. Because your aanswer remioves reasomn and telos and satisifies itself with surface level existnece and survial rather than morality and detemim ism rather than thinking it'snot an expliamnatiom at all, it's meaingless and irrational and abandonds reasom, it;s merelythe illusion of technique.
Again, in what sense is that an explanation?
In what sense is it not one?
*grounding axioms (you never am answered)
Ditto but also the basis is love--a reality that palpable and present in the life of the believer.
Not it's not a glib phrase, it's a exactly to the point of the kind of thing one needs to know to say something is explained; it's both a motivation (ie God's) and an axiom from which moral values are obtained,.
love = the will to the good of the other, So moral axioms are chosen (by God ) because they reflect the good as it pertains to the other. don't kill because it harms others, we don't steal because it deprives others, we don' cheat because wounds others ect,
all moral axioms that God imposes as moral law are grounded in god's love. They all means to the end of the good of the other God's creation and imn our dealings with others our other.
*understanding and resolving the human problematic
reflected imn christian theology soeriology
Again, that is a claim, not an explanation.
It is an explanation if you understand the terms, its not hard to understand, obviously the human problematic is the set of problems at the heart of being human, What is the problem or set of problems leading to the human condition? Christianity suggests it is sin. Sin is disobedience to God but plays out in terms of will to the good of ourselves over the good of the other; the opposite of love. Not hate, not merely indifference, but indifference to the good of the other and willingness to exploit. Sin separates us from God and from each other because we are not available to hep each other while we are trying to exploit each other,
That is a huge mistake to assume that religion is not deep,it's fr deeper than robot speaks determinism that reduces humanity to mindless drones. you probably don't values the arts so you just of science as deep; and that's all right? That;s just the illusion of technique.
that is an ideological spin lit;not original it';s been fed to you by brianwashers it;'s based upon ignogrnace of the ferment of Western civilization which firmly base upon it's religious roots,
Do you not know what literary devices are? I said the idea that they would tell the flood story just to answer why there are rainbows is ridiculous. What makes a rainbow works is irrelevant. The real message is God's salvation is as dependable as rainbow after rain. God controls nature God is in charge that sort o hing thiat is the point.
Dude how can it be God of the gaps when it's not meant to to explain nature???, screw your head on man!!!!
too bad you don't know what God of the gaps means, where did I say science doesn't know what rainbows are?
[of course I did but since he dint read them he doesn't know what they are. see below]
I like the part where Pixie says "science explains everything". That's what all these atheist robots say. You see that on Skeppy's blog often.
yea that's pretty funny
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