one of the greatest films of the 60s laughing at nuclear death,
Slim Pickens rides the bomb to ground zero over Russia as
the world ends. "Dr. Strangelove" subtitle "How to stop
worrying and love the bomb." I cahnged to "bong" because
we used to joke the mussels are on the way time to fire up
the bong.
see my review of the film
"The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes...."
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech Thursday in which he praised his country's military operations on behalf of the government of Syria and made a case for how Russia could become stronger.“We need to strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces,” he said, according to an Agence France-Presse translation, “especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defense systems.” In other words, Russia needs to ensure that its arsenal of nuclear weapons can avoid interception by the enemy.The primary enemy that might intercept those missiles is, of course, the United States and its allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.The language echoes old Cold War rhetoric: Our missiles must be able to serve as a deterrent to usage, by existing as a threat to enemies. If NATO and the United States felt confident that Russia’s incoming nuclear weapons could be stopped before reaching their targets, the weapons do not hold the same power for Russia.You can’t have a new nuclear arms race, of course, without someone to run against. Enter President-elect Donald Trump.[1]
I saw this on the news. Why do they get out of it? Besides making it look like Trump is not Putin';s puppet, this fits Trump's agenda for manipulating the masses. Like professional wrestling, which he is into, a pretend conflict with nuclear stakes heightens fear level and creates a sense of urgency and a national security excuse for all Trump will do, That kind of thing woudl be a erect excuse to cancel the next election. So Trumps wants to drag us back 50 years and revive the most dangerous and backward thinking times in World history,Should be good for a couple of Vietnam wars.
Bill Moyers has good ideas aboiut how to challenge Trumpocradcy.
1. Don’t forget: Trump does not have a mandate. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by close to 3 million votes. Only 27 percent of the nation’s 231 million eligible voters voted for Trump. In the first election in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act, Republicans intensified their voter-suppression efforts, targeting black and Latino communities in key battleground states. More than 40 percent of eligible voters did not vote; most non-voters were low-income, minority and/or young Americans who, had they gone to the polls, would have voted Democratic. Polls also show that even most Trump voters do not agree with much of his policy agenda. A CBS survey showed about one-quarter of Trump voters said he is not qualified to be president. Seventy percent of all voters said immigrants without documents should be able to apply for legal status rather than be deported.
2. Challenge Trump’s Nominees. Progressive activists, liberal watchdog groups and think tanks, congressional Democrats and responsible journalists have a rare opportunity, prior to and during the hearings, to challenge Trump’s Cabinet nominees and other high-level appointees as incompetent and unqualified. As a group, they represent a Hall of Shame of greedy billionaires, right-wing lunatics, scam artists and military mad hatters. Rather than see each nominee as an individual, they should look at the overall pattern of Trump nominees as lacking experience and caught in multiple conflict-of-interest webs, like Trump himself.
One, Trump’s nominee for treasury secretary, banker Steve Mnuchin, purchased a bank, OneWest, through a sweetheart deal with the federal government; it then repeatedly engaged in predatory lending, racial discrimination and aggressive foreclosures, earning censure by judges and government regulators and Mnuchin the nickname “foreclosure king.” Senate Democrats have launched a website asking people who were hurt by OneWest Bank’s foreclosure practices to share their stories.
Commerce Secretary-designate Wilbur Ross “made a fortune purchasing bankrupt businesses and flipping them for a profit,” according to Forbes, which earned him a reputation as a “vulture investor.” In 2006, after Ross purchased the International Coal Group, 12 coal miners suffocated after an explosion at its Sago coal mine in West Virginia mine, which had a history of safety violations. Earlier this year, his private equity firm, WL Ross & Co., agreed to pay a $2.3 million fine to the Securities and Exchange Commission for failing to properly disclose fees it charged investors.
Puzder, CEO of the company that operates Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s restaurants, is Trump’s pick for labor secretary. The Department of Labor found violations — including wage theft offenses such as failing to pay the minimum wage or overtime — in 60 percent of its inspections at these two fast-food chains. Puzder has opposed raising the minimum wage, enforcing Obama’s overtime rules and mandatory sick leave. He’s blamed Obamacare for causing a “restaurant recession” even though, as The New York Times noted, “there is no evidence that health care reform has harmed job growth, and there is certainly no evidence of a restaurant recession.”
Besides having absolutely no experience in government, much less with housing policy, HUD Secretary-designate Ben Carson opposes one of HUD’s key missions: to challenge racial segregation and discrimination. Last year he denounced a HUD plan with Dubuque, Iowa to ensure the city didn’t discriminate against African-Americans in distributing federally funded housing vouchers as “what you see in communist countries.” He mocked a HUD rule designed to help municipalities use data to “overcome historic patterns of segregation” as “government-engineered attempts to legislate racial equality” and as “failed socialist experiments.” But what’s really dangerous is Carson’s opposition to gay rights (he compared homosexuality to bestiality), and his support for lunatic conspiracy theories, such as his contention that President Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder were part of a communist conspiracy to subvert America. He claimed Darwin’s ideas about evolution were part of Satan’s plan and at the 2016 Republican convention he said late community organizer Saul Alinsky (about whom Clinton wrote her senior thesis in college) was a follower of Satan. For over a decade Carson shilled for nutritional supplement company Mannatech, whose illegal marketing schemes claimed its products help overcome ailments including toxic shock syndrome, heart failure, asthma, arthritis, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, Attention Deficit Disorder and lung inflammation, as well as AIDS and cancer. Even after the company was sued, Carson continued to speak at company meetings and appear in commercials. But in a GOP debate, Carson claimed he had no affiliation with the company.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, a close ally of the fossil fuel industry, is Trump’s nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt is totally in sync with Trump’s views about climate change, which Trump has called a “hoax.” Both would like to severely weaken if not entirely dismantle the EPA and cancel America’s commitment to the Paris climate change accords. In an article in the right-wing National Review earlier this year, Pruitt wrote: “Scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind” — a view that flies in the face of the scientific consensus. Pruitt joined with other state attorneys general who worked with the nation’s energy companies to fight Obama’s environmental regulations. A coal lobby spokesperson called Pruitt a “defender of states’ rights and a vocal opponent of the current administration’s overreaching EPA.”
Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, Trump’s pick for national security adviser, was fired as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. For years he has promoted what The New York Times called “unsubstantiated claims about Islamic law’s spreading in the United States and about the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.” He has used Twitter to push crazy conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton, including a fake news story claiming that New York police and prosecutors had found evidence linking Clinton and some of her top campaign staff to a child sex trafficking ring, money laundering, perjury and other felonies. Flynn’s penchant for lying led his one-time employees at the DIA to call his falsehoods “Flynn facts.”
[1] "Trump and Putin agree to resume the cold war, Washington post, Dec 22 2016
[2] Bill Moyers, Preparing for Trump. Moyers and co. DECEMBER 22, 2016
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