
Saturday, December 28, 2024

the best apologetics website on the net The religious a priori is an apologetics website. It is designed to present an intellectual defense of the christian faith, We have a huge amount of material. It's an excellent resource for anyone seeking to defend faith.It covers every major issue from the historicity of Jesus to science and religion.  Books Frederich Schleiermacher, (1768-1834) in On Religion: Speeches to it's Cultured Despisers, and the Christian Faith. (aka The Glaubenslehre) sets forth the view that religion is not reducible to knowledge or ethical systems. It is primarily a phenomenological apprehension of God consciousness through means of religious affections.... in the Christian Faith he argues that there is a greater sense of unity in the life world and a sense of the dependence of all things in the life world upon something higher.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    This guy actually thinks the resurrection can be defended or that Christianity has benefited the world in a major way. LOLOL!!!
