Monday, September 30, 2024

Quick note on Trump

I came accross this on facebook. Forgot all about it I think it should be noised about for the election: Joe Hinman September 30, 2018 · Shared with Public I just watched face the nation, The Fearless leader has done more damage than even I realized! The guest was a man from the department of commerce he was saying Trump keeps squeaking about what great accomplishments he's made, bit even his major underlings do not realize the harm he;s done, Example: only the department of energy has the expertise to know if Iran can build an nuclear weapon at this state. But Trump officialism have not even asked then because they know that. When told this Trump said "they are not military what do they know?" No one likes the government but the truth is over the course of the 20th century the feds built a vast data collectivization machine in the various federal agencies. All Trump has done is to destroy that data collection/dissemination ability. Another example he says the public no loner has access to the major data on global warming.""


Anonymous said...
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Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

you will be the first fascists take down, you will be wining "but I was trump" .there were Jews who were for Hitler. they said "he's just putting up a front he wont really get me I am supporting him, They said that all the way go Bookenwald.

Anonymous said...

Oh, shut up. You sometimes have such distorted views of history.

Anonymous said...

You guys are like Hitler. See how you like that?

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

Anonymous said...
Oh, shut up. You sometimes have such distorted views of history.
i am an historian. You are leaning history from idiots. you don't know anything about it.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

You guys are like Hitler. See how you like that?
Look genius if you want to make a serious argument I would be delighted to let you. But you don't. I'm NOT going to let you post childish insulting Bull shit it brigs the quality of the discussion.

Anonymous said...

You almost certainly are not a historian. You don't talk like one and you don't seem to be on anyone's radar. I just did an internet search, so stop kidding yourself. I've probably read more and better quality books than you could ever hope to get your hands on, so knock it.

Anonymous said...

Even brilliant historians can sometimes use a whack on the head. Why don't you ask other friends like the Albrect guy you know or Holding? I bet they don't agree with you about Harris.

Anonymous said...

I double dare you to contact them and bring them here.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

You almost certainly are not a historian. You don't talk like one and you don't seem to be on anyone's radar. I just did an internet search, so stop kidding yourself.
You are an idiot. You talk like one and you are on everyone's radar as an idiot,

I've probably read more and better quality books than you could ever hope to get your hands on, so knock it.

Of course you are too stupid the books I written better than you have read. (1) I talk like an academic, the reason you don't know that is because you've never talked to one. (2)I am not a fa,pus acade,oc i never said I'm famous I haven;t published much and I not published in academic venues because I want to be read by everyone not just a handful of academics. I am reti9ri9ed I am not teaching so I have to support an academic career.(3) I have published in academic Journals a long time ago when I was a teaching assistant. I ra an academic journal which was peer reviewed:

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

That first sentence should say "of course you are too stupid to read the books I've written, which are better than at you have read" btw I am 69 and retired. I was in PhD program for years. I've read papers at conferences, published in Journals and ran a journal. I've written a stack of books, two of them published.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

Anonymous said...
Even brilliant historians can sometimes use a whack on the head. Why don't you ask other friends like the Albrect guy you know or Holding? I bet they don't agree with you about Harris.
Albert? what's his real name? I don't know who you are talkig about. By "Holding" do you mean JP? He is not an academic. He has published here and he included my article in his resurrection book. most academics don't to publish on blogs. see the commets around a year ago a guy named Eric Sotnac is a professor and reaches philosophy. He also read one of my books and said it was real good.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

Odd this guy doesn't make any historical argument and doesn't any problems with my approach to history.

Anonymous said...

I believe Jesse and Holding have MA degrees, so yeah the are academics. You are not even close to being any weight in historical research.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

Just having a degree does not make you an academic. You have to teach in a university, college eve community college. You also have to do research and/or either publish academic journals (peer reviewed) and/or Present papers at conferences.

By the way, Jesse and JP are good researchers, I admire JP's research, not familiar with Jesse's. I have seen some of his. They are both fine researchers The of stuff JP has put ot is amazing. More importantly they are my brothers in Christ.

Jesse Albrecht said...

Well, it is seeming more like Trump is going to win the upcoming election. You may just as well get used to it and accept the outcome.

Anonymous said...

Why do you not comment here more often?

Jesse Albrecht said...

The "Pix" guy drove me away with his pretentiousness. I find him to be very annoying.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...
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JAB128 said...

I like what JP does. I was reading this weird book recently called False Witness (by Keith Michael. It's main points are that Paul is a false apostle, and that the gospels were forgeries), and I used JP's site to look up a lot of this guy's sources (Keith was using Bart Ehrman and Hyam Maccoby. Bart is OK, but Hyam is awful).

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

He's a professor at one of Egland's leading universities, Oxford for Cambridge. So he has a right to be somewhat pretentious. When they have the credentials, we don't call it pretension, just being a jerk. I like Pix (Pixie) He is very bright and more importantly he is one of the few atheists I have met on the net he has never insulted me, He never mocks Christians or the Bible the way most of them do.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

6Those are views that most historians, I mean like 99% will reject as untenable. What des he mean by forgeries? Like Mathew was bot Written by Matthew, lot's of evangelicals would agree. I do. That doesn't mean it's not inspired. what doe he mean by "forgery?"

JAB128 said...

Apparently, this guy said that forgery was rampant in the ancient world. Also, he uses sources like Bart Ehrman's Lost Christianities & Misquoting Jesus (he is decent, but I don't think he is a believer). Also, he believes that the gospels were forgeries because the people who's names are on them (Matthew, Mark, etc...) didn't write them.

JAB128 said...

I don't know if you are on Medium, Joe, but here is the guy who wrote this book along with his articles: Medium: Keith Michael. He can be contacted at his website (he provides the link on his Medium page).

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jesse Albrecht said...

Nah. You can most certainly dismiss the opinions of someone who goes to Cambridge or Oxford, especially when they say such foolish things. Going to such places doesn't inherently make you more special than anyone else.

Jesse Albrecht said...

I would delete him in moderation just as I would any other internet troll.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

These guys wont let you edit. that Highly sux. The issue that the namesakes did not write the gospels that is no big deal. Most scholars know that, and very few care. The naes were not put ob by the authors but years later. John may have been written by the elder John and his letters were clearly so. Not the apostle the elder. As Mark and Luke why use names of unknown people? They were not apostles, The Gospels had apostolic authority, I'll post something on this soon,

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

show pne foolish thing he said not believing in God can't be used because we want atheists with which to dialogue and he is not an offensive one.

im-skeptical said...

"I would delete him in moderation just as I would any other internet troll."
- Hmm. Perhaps you are getting Pix mixed up with others who post as Anonymous. He is no troll. He is respectful and intelligent. If there's any atheist you want to have a reasoned discussion with, it may well be him.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

that's right. Skep speaks the truth. I admire Pix.

Joseph Hinman (Metacrock) said...

he doesn't go there he teaches there