
Monday, August 16, 2021

Anti vaxers have been around

Our ability as a society to conquer disease, to discover cures and implement them  through the commonweal, constitutes one if the greatest measures of modern civilization and the progress that is its hallmark:
Vaccination is widely considered one of the greatest medical achievements of modern civilization. Childhood diseases that were commonplace less than a generation ago are now increasingly rare because of vaccines. In order to be effective at eliminating communicable diseases, vaccines must be administered to sufficient levels of persons in the community. Because of this, public health officials have mandated vaccination for certain diseases as a condition to school attendance.[1]
“Vaccines are one of the most important measures of preventative medicine to protect the population from diseases and infections. They have contributed to decreasing rates of common childhood diseases and, in some cases, have even wiped out some diseases that were common in years past, such as smallpox, rinderpest, and have nearly eradicated malaria and polio...”[2] The progress we have made in combating disease came after long centuries of struggle, first to understand sickness,  then to know how to fight it. Now we embark upon the realization of global efforts to conquer disease world wide:  “Globalization’s emerging transnational social organization and epidemiological structure have transformed national public health into an international issue and necessitated the development of global health policy and governance. ”[3]  With diseases like Ebola virus and commerce between the United States. and in other Ebola laden countries there are no real borders to control disease. This is why being able to control disease locally and nationally is fundamental to the process of civilization. That is why curtailment of that process spells reversal for civilization.

Vaccines are a chief weapon in controlling disease. “Vaccines are one of the most important measures of preventative medicine to protect the population from diseases and infections. They have contributed to decreasing rates of common childhood diseases and, in some cases, have even wiped out some diseases that were common in years past, such as smallpox, rinderpest, and have nearly eradicated malaria and polio .”[4] Yet now there is an anti-vaccine movement, although such a movement dates back to the early days of vaccinesv[5] now that movement has caught fire for at least two major reasons:

(1) a paper in The Lancet by ex-physician Andrew Wakefield, “which suggested credence to the debunked-claim of a connection between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and development of autism in young children.”[6]

(2) While Republicans on the national level still advise Vaccination, on the state and local level Republican interest in anti-vaccine ideology has been picked up by libertarians with notions of medical freedom and is fueling the movement. It is now beginning to gain steam on the national level. [7] “The smallpox vaccine has eradicated a disease that was responsible for centuries of outbreaks and had a 30% fatality rate.” [8]  Yet, as of May 29,2019, 940 cases of measles (thought irradiated in  02) have been found over 26 states.[9]  Alarming not only for the number but also the range of the problem. But this represents an increase of 60 cases in a week.

It is the greatest  number of cases reported since 1994.[10]   Even More alarming is the tendency assertion on the part of the movement that the government has no right to mandate vaccination, that is to say,  has no right to mandate a measure for the good of the community.  This represents a new element in the movement [11] and one that probably comes from the libertarian camp. The denial of the government the right to impose public health measures is a true direct affront to civilization itself. Civilization is an ethical choice about how we organize our living arrangements. If we can't mandate measures for the common good in what sense are we organizing living arrangements?

As Azhar Hussain and Syed Ali, et al. Conclude their report:

The rise of anti-vaccination movements in parts of the Western world poses a dire threat to people’s health and the collective herd immunity. People of all ages have fallen victim to recent outbreaks of measles, one of the most notable “eliminated” diseases that made a comeback as a direct consequence of not reaching the immunization threshold for MMR vaccines. These outbreaks not only put a strain on national healthcare systems but also cause fatal casualties. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that all stakeholders in the medical world - physicians, researchers, educators, and governments - unite to curb the influence of the anti-vaccination movement targeting parents. Research has shown that even parents favorable to vaccination can be confused by the ongoing debate, leading them to question their choices.[12] 


[1]Ben Balding, “Mandatory Vaccination: Why We Still Got To Get Folks To Take Their Shots.” LEDA home page, Harvard Law School (April, 27, 2006)   (acessed May 29,2019) Ben Balding Class 2006

[2]Azhar Hussain and Syed Ali, et al. “The Anti-Vaccination Movement: A Regression in Modern Medicine,” PMC US National Library Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Original Publication:  Cureus 2018 Jul; 10(7): e2919. PMC6122668  doi: 10.7759/cureus.2919 ,   (accessed May29,2019) work cited:

Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999 Impact of Vaccines Universally Recommended for Children -- United States, 1990-1998. [Jun;2018 ]; National Library of Medicine; April 02. 1999 /:48–12.[Google Scholar]. Rinderpest is an acute infectious disease of ruminant mammals (such as cattle)  (Webster)

[3]The National Academies Workshop summary: 4 “Creating a Framework For Prioress,”    The Impact of Globalization on Infectious Disease Emergence and Control: Exploring the Consequences and Opportunities: Workshop Summary. NCBI, National Academy of Sciences, 2006.  (acessed May29,2019)

[4]Azhar Hussain and Syed Ali, et al. “The Anti-Vaccination Movement: A Regression in Modern Medicine,...” op cit.



work cited: Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children. Wakefield AJ, Murch SH, Anthony A, et al. Lancet. 1998;351:637–641. Pub Med:   (accessed May 29,2019)

[7]Arthur Allen. “How The Anti-Vaccine Movement Crept into The GOP Mainstream,” Politico, (May 27,2019)     (accessed May29,2019)

[8]Ben Balding, “Mandatory Vaccination...” LEDA Harvard...op cit.

[9]CDC, “Meales Cases and  Outreaks”  CDC Measles Home,  Center for Disease Control and prevention,  (May 24,2019)   (accessed May29,2019)


[11]Arthur Allen, Politico, op cit.

[12]Azhar Hussain and Syed Ali, et al. ...op cit.


  1. Anonymous4:33 AM

    So what’s your point ?

  2. It's obvious. Try reading the article.

  3. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I read the article. What’s your point ?

  4. they are not just afraid of the coved vaccine it is an older movement that opposes the science of vaccination.

  5. Anonymous5:12 AM

    That’s a “one size fits all argument” that completely bypasses the opposition to an experimental gene therapy based upon science .
    For example - Comparing the Smallpox vaccination to the COVID “ vaccination “ is a non runner , they are completely different animals that will give completely different results .

  6. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Like your anti-Christian and anti-freedom Biden Administration? I love how he screwed up Afghanistan. Like the destruction he has done to our country, dumbass?

  7. you do not know Christ. You know nothing about Christianity. Your version of Christianity is just fascism.

  8. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Reply to Anonymous
    Indeed , the Biden’s and their ilk of whatever political persuasions fit Matthew 7-15 .
    For somebody to accuse somebody else of not knowing Christ reflects only on them and is a clear window into their elevated opinion of themselves . Christ and Christ alone knows who is before him and who “ does not know me or where you come from “

  9. by their fruits you shall know them.

  10. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Leftists HATE liberty and are the real fascists themselves. Go cry some more.

  11. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Indeed . Some of us have mirrors and some of us don’t .
    “Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.”
    ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship

  12. by their fruits you shall know them. Jesus said that. The fruits of the republican party are death and fascism.

    Repubs use little economical words lie "liberty" because they fear FREEDOM!

  13. Hello Joe,

    I have to sympathize with what that one anonymous commentator said. Joe Biden is incompetent and his handling of the Afghan situation proves it.

    Here is a podcast episode that I would like you all to watch before replying to my comment:

    I think that the speaker in the video is rhetorically powerful and brings a lot of things to light.

  14. Did you sleep through Trump? Trump turned the government into his private crime syndicate and left us in a mess. Biden has done great. Stop listening to lies and seek facts.

  15. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Joe. Stop listening to lies and seek facts . Truth has no agenda and it will set you free .

  16. you need to learn difference between fact and propaganda.

  17. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Joe Biden: "Get the Covid vaccine or face total exclusion from society."

    Beast of Revelation 13: "Get the mark on your hand or forehead or face death."

    I see the parallel very clearly. Never had we experienced anything like this before.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Here are FACTS about Critical Race Theory:

    Critical race theory’s defenders insist that it’s an academic movement, that its proponents are experts, and that it just wants to discuss its ideas, but it operates like a theocracy, silencing and suppressing opponents, critics, and even insufficiently radical supporters. Its entire rationale is built on denying that anyone can legitimately disagree with it or that debate is even possible. A movement that dismisses reason and objectivity as forms of oppressive whiteness has no interest in dialogue, only in terrorizing its way to power as racial nationalists seek to do.

    Daniel Greenfield, How Civil Rights Made America A Critical Race Theocracy.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Anonymous said...
    That’s a “one size fits all argument” that completely bypasses the opposition to an experimental gene therapy based upon science .
    For example - Comparing the Smallpox vaccination to the COVID “ vaccination “ is a non runner , they are completely different animals that will give completely different results .

    5:12 AM

    my argument is based upon historical fact/yours upon ignorance.

  22. Jesse's "facts"

    Critical race theory’s defenders insist that it’s an academic movement, that its proponents are experts, and that it just wants to discuss its ideas, but it operates like a theocracy, silencing and suppressing opponents, critics, and even insufficiently radical supporters.

    Those are not facts they are hysterical right wing talking points.

    Its entire rationale is built on denying that anyone can legitimately disagree with it or that debate is even possible.

    It seems that way because they people who are alarmed by it are not as well educated as those who defend it.

    A movement that dismisses reason and objectivity as forms of oppressive whiteness has no interest in dialogue, only in terrorizing its way to power as racial nationalists seek to do.

    you lack the sophistication to understand their point.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I am not a simple-minded person. I despise a mentality of elitism. The Scribes and Pharisees of the Law would have viewed any Jews who had questioned their arbitrary and cruel regulations as simply "uneducated and lacking in sophistication." It is arrogant to be that way. What sane white person would not despise an ideology that says in effect they are inherently oppressors and need to receive weird training?

  25. I suppose that you and I have some rather profound philosophical differences...

  26. Jess:

    I am not a simple-minded person. I despise a mentality of elitism. The Scribes and Pharisees of the Law would have viewed any Jews who had questioned their arbitrary and cruel regulations as simply "uneducated and lacking in sophistication." It is arrogant to be that way. What sane white person would not despise an ideology that says in effect they are inherently oppressors and need to receive weird training?

    I hate elitism too. Elitism is based upon arbitrary standards. Education is not arbitrary. know more than you about postmodern views on reason because I studied it in graduate school and you did not, Thus I know more about it than you do. That is not elitism.

    10:08 AM


  27. Blogger Jesse said...
    I suppose that you and I have some rather profound philosophical differences...

    no doubt.

  28. You have no idea what I have studied (or haven't) and do not care what credentials other people have.

  29. It really should not come as a surprise to me that the left/liberals parrot weird and immoral ideas.

  30. What level of sophistication does it take to note the ridiculousness of calling Larry Elder (during the CA governor recall race) the "black face of white supremacy?"

    The problem with CRT is that it doesn't hold up to reality. America is not a systemically racist country, even though it is not perfect.

    This country is actually so great, that those who profess to hate it do not leave. We've got thousands of parents who do not want their children fed this ideology.

    We also have sexually explicit content in sex-ed classes and transgender ideology being taught. Yet, your only response to these concerned people is, "You're uneducated." Such could not be further from the truth.

  31. Most of what you are raving about is not critical race theory. Paranoid right wingers lump ib anything they don't like and call it critical race theory.

  32. you have been brain washed by ideologies. You only look at the world through their lens.

  33. Jesse said...
    You have no idea what I have studied (or haven't) and do not care what credentials other people have.

    10:07 AM

    yes I do When it is something of which i have scholarly expertise. I can tell by the way you talk about it.

  34. All the things I've mentioned are coming from people on your side of the political isle (congresspeople, school board members, and so many others) and claim to believe in CRT. So your argument is ultimately not with me but with them.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. B.S. People can study on their own and never set foot in a college and know more than someone with a PhD. You should take up this matter with the thousands of angry parents rallying at school boards across the country, holding CRT manuals in their hands. Why don't you take some time to clarify matters for such concerned people?

  37. you learn a hell of a lot more in college. lectures and discussion with other students,

  38. I think that you have a tendency to over-complicate matters. You overanalzye things sometimes.

  39. you accept propaganda as fact because it backs your view,

  40. I find it bizarre how you speak as if I have some bad motive to deceive people, which is ridiculous. I accept reality as is. I find it sad that people cannot disagree about anything without viewing each other as radical or crazy.

  41. I speak not so much about partisan politics as I do about basic morality.

  42. You cannot deride people just because they have differences of opinion and even feel strongly about them. I know you have things you would fight for.

  43. You cannot deride people just because they have differences of opinion and even feel strongly about them. I know you have things you would fight for.

    Didn't know I was, That was not my intention.

  44. I find it bizarre how you speak as if I have some bad motive to deceive people, which is ridiculous. I accept reality as is. I find it sad that people cannot disagree about anything without viewing each other as radical or crazy.

    10:35 AM

    sorry. That was not my intention.
