
Sunday, August 16, 2020

time for the big scare

The widow of a church elder at my old church sent me a PM on facebook. It is an article about a man who has come farward (to eenagelical chruches) saying he deisged the computer chiop that will deliever the mark of the beas. So the mark is about to be unvailed. Oddly enough here it is election time agaimn The kindof fear tacktics aresudedever time. In `88 I heard a woman in a restirant sain the Michael Dukakis had ordered all or artilloary be disengaed. Think about it, candidaee Michael Dukakis one sneater oefered all our artilliary to be disengaged? In 1980 a guy at my church told us he worked for the gaint computer company tha was about to unveil the mark of the beast he was going to keep us posted. We have had 40 years of this kind of fear mongering and they pull it in every election. Back in 80 the ideas was noised about the grape vine that God is about to bring on the end times but we vote for Reagan he will give us more time. This is because Reagan would stop abortion. This is the same game played evwry four four years. A social coompact.more time to enjoy the pleasure of money in exchange for noise about the evil of abortion. Does it really Make sense that the great man of God would say nothing about this? If Trump really was the greatan of God evangelicals want us to beleive he is wouldn't he be talking aobut how imporiative it is we stop this mark of the beast? doesn't it make more sense to think that the guy in charge of the system taht produces the mark would be in on rhe mark itself?


  1. Hi Joe. A "Joe" left a colorful comment on my blog today. Was that you?

    Escaping Christian Fundamentalism

  2. I don't know. what was the blog and what was the comment?

  3. It was under a post on my blog regarding my interactions with Randal Rauser. My blog is "Escaping Christian Fundamentalism". A "Joe" left a comment which said: "You couldn’t carry Randal Rauser’s &$*#, you idiot."

    You and I have had colorful exchanges before, so I thought it might be you.

  4. I hope it wasn't me because it;s quite ride Bit it probably was as I have told Im a real piece of work. However I invite you t hang arouind and discuss, i promise I wont insult you.

  5. Was it you or not, Joe?

  6. It seems to me that lots of people get into conspiracy theories.

  7. probably

    Maybe a little bit :)

  8. Hey Joe,

    I was wondering what you thought of these articles?:

  9. that guy hasn't a clue as to how to interpret scripture. He basically just ignores passages that prove him wrong on the ground that he can find passages that don't prove him wrong.

  10. Quote: "This past week I began to really think about Paul's terminology of "Promise" as contrasted with "Law," particularly within Romans 4 and Galatians 3. It seems that if we can zero in on precisely what this mysterious term Promise refers to we can better (or even properly) understand Paul's lesson within these key Justification texts. If Promise has nothing to do with some forensic status or of living a perfectly obedient life, then this would cast some serious doubt on the mainstream Protestant reading of these chapters. Here's what I've found regarding this term.

    First, let us see where it appears within Romans 4.
    Rom 4:13-21. 13 For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the righteousness of faith. 14 For if it is the adherents of the law who are to be the heirs, faith is null and the promise is void. 15 For the law brings wrath, but where there is no law there is no transgression. 16 That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring - not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. 20 No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, 21 fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.
    The key term "promise" appears five times in Romans 4 and nine times in Galatians 3. Contrast this to the fact "works" appears three times in Romans 4 and five times in Galatians 3. Despite this key term appearing more often than other terms, it seems we hear a lot about "works" yet almost nothing about what this "promise" actually is about. We saw a similar discrepancy in the recent Rom4/Gal3 Adoption post (HERE). When you see discrepancies such as these, namely focusing on a few verses while ignoring verses that could be much more important, we must suspect a shoddy methodology (hermeneutic)."

    unnecessarily complicating the concept of promise. of course what is promised is heaven not the moment of getting saved. that has nothing to do with it. The promise is not a reward for works,.
