
Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Now I/ve heard it all

this was a real exchange on face book today" aug 7 2019

  • Joe Hinman that's stupid. stop violence with more violence brilliant, if course you really know nothing about their lives,
  • Casper A Riley Joe Hinman neither do the idiots that are falsely claiming they are Trump supporters and all the other non sense
  • Joe Hinman Casper A Riley why woild they falsely claim it? are you a real one?
  • Casper A Riley Joe Hinman because they wanna make him look bad...yet they never held Obama accountable when he was actually voted in by racism


  1. Kristen Rosser12:02 PM

    Anything they disagree with is simply fake. Including their own members. Talk about a world made of wishful thinking!

  2. so true. even worse than atheists.
