
Monday, December 24, 2018

Back after New Years:Merry Christmas

Image result for Nativity scenes

Image result for Merry Christmas


  1. Merry Christmas, and joy to you and yours!

  2. Thanks Kristen, what you said,

  3. Hello! I am happy to see you have a blog and are active still online!
    I was and am a big fan of your work since 2000 maybe even before
    I am VERY appreciative of your work and still reference back to it on a regular basis.
    I hope you have an awesome New Year!
    I remember years ago you having some problems and your brother as well?
    I had donated to a cause of yours years ago and I hope all is well! Xx&Oo

  4. well thank you I appreciate it.It's great to hear that. I am about to lose my website I
    need webspace to host it. My brother died in 2014.

  5. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Joseph, would you and Jesse be willing to do a debate on creation vs evolution?

  6. I don't know if I have time I am writing a book and working in the resistance,

  7. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Could you guys do some discussion on topics like biblical inerrancy, Bible contradictions, among other things?

  8. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Maybe you two could discuss the meaning of the Genesis days, Adam as a historical figure, certain political stuff like immigration and open borders? You two disagree on the doctrine of atonement?

  9. I din;t think we disagree on atonement
