
Wednesday, May 02, 2018

I am pleased ad Proud

I've admired Sojourners for a log time. I just found this now,I had no idea about it, look who they quote.The whole little snippet is me.


  1. Congrats on that, Joe!

  2. Wow that's cool! And it does seem that every time Christianity seems about to expire under its own weight, like a Phoenix a new, spiritually fresh version arises from the ashes. Right now we're still in the dying phase-- at least in Western Europe and North America.

  3. Anonymous3:33 AM

    That's great, Sojourner's has good taste! I think too that the vicious arguments on the Internet hurt people. And the Culture Wars?War is never going to build anything. (I didn't know Sojourner's was online, though it seems obvious that it would be...)

  4. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Joe, that last comment was me, foresthome. I am at a hotel lobby computer so can't login.


  5. foresthome I don't know who you are,but I think I;m in for a Rudy awakening.

  6. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Is that some kind of Joe-k?
