
Friday, December 16, 2016

Concrete actions agaisnt Trump

"Concrete Action" Resources

The following is a list of resources that either recommend or discuss concrete actions citizens can take against President-Elect Donald Trump.  I have compiled this list using a mixture of my own research and tips I've received via social media groups and email.  If you have something you'd like me to add, please contact me.

Contacting elected officials: 

  • "We're His Problem Now" Calling Sheet - This document contains tons of scripts you can use to call your elected officials on many different issues.  The authors also issue a weekly "call to action" through this document to focus calls, and provide contact information for every federal elected official. 
  • Weekly Actions to Resist Trump - this tool is built on the "We're His Problem Now" Calling Sheet linked above.  Each week, the site will suggest a priority for calls and for donations.  It allows you to simply click a button to choose your action and location, and you'll get back a personalized script you can use for the call.    
  • Who You Gonna Call, by Emergency Civics Lesson - Instructions for calling your representatives, as well as House and Senate leadership.  Contains contact information for every elected official in Congress, searchable by state, and a series of short scripts you can use as a base. To use the page, enter your state into the search box. 
  • GOVERNOR LIST - This is a list of every governor in the United States.  It describes their stance on Trump, as well as contact information.  The author encourages folks to write their governor and ask them to publicly denounce Trump.
  • List of Republicans who spoke out against Trump - A list of Republicans, sourced with prior statements about Trump, and connected to contact information.  Useful for targeting calls towards those who have already shown some inclination to challenge Trump. 
  • How to Call Your Reps When You Have Social Anxiety - A comic (together with a transcript) that gives step-by-step advice on how to deal with social anxiety when calling elected officials. 
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