I am depressed because I put my whole heart and soul into my book, but no one will buy it. It's not the money, I never cared about making money from it, but no buy, no read. If one buys it or reads it or spreads the word around the ideas have no effect on anyone.
I kept this blog going specially to promote my book. 53 "followers" I'm getting 300 hits a day no one will buy the damn book. I really made writing that the center of my life for years. I spent tons of money gathering articles and finding out about the studies. I endured idiots slandering the studies and my ablity to write, and my ability to understand studies. Those were people who so stupid, the things said about my studies are just inane. I didn't put most of that here becuase I want Metacrock's Blog to be a positive discussion abut God rather than negative appraisal of the atheists movement (that's what Atheistwatch is for).
Yet I endured that and so much more. I can't tell you how painful it was for those morons who knew nothing about it and who refused to read a single study for about five years, continually dogmatically pronouncing "those studies are crap (the creeps on CARM). they are not good." Every time I was say an idea that had not heard before they would go "that's CRAAAAAAZY" "YOUR IDEAS ARE CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaZyeeeee)."
I put everything else on hold and made writing and researching it the no one thing, I forced myself to keep the blog going to promote the book. No one gives a damn about it. No one will buy it. Several people have said that most of regular readers here probalby assume they can get it all from my blog. But there are a lot of things I did not discuss on line so that there would be parts of the book that can't be gotten at for free. I have pointed that out. No one cares.
No one cares about learning the devastating arguments that would destroy atheist resistance. Because most Christians don't care about arguments or about beating atheists. they are in their little world of Church that all that concerns them. They don't care who get's saved or not. Several readers have sad "we get good information here." If that's all it is, just a some information, they I will quite. This has to be more important than just getting a little good information.
The arguments made in that book (The Trace of God, by Joseph Hinman) are ground breaking and will devastate the atheist cause, if they are learned to be used right. You have to read the book or it wont make sense. What you get from the blog is a jumble and half the picture. you need to read the book in order to see how it fits together. If you do you will have a weapon no atheist will thwart. The Church will never know becuase no one cares, no one talks about it, no one spreads the word.
The book is only available on Amazon.
I was waiting for the Kindle version as I could build a fort with the paper books I own and am trying to buy all future books digitally. I just ordered a paper copy to cheer you up. :)
If it's any consolation, I've been a part of two musical projects that have sold like crap, so I know what it's like to put your heart and soul into something only to feel like it's being ignored.
thanks Mike. Paper books are the best. digitizing trivializes things. books are works of art. be proud of your huge library.
I am sorry to whine so and blame the readership but it's just been gnawing at me.
It's true. There is nothing like a paper book.
Don't let it get you down, Meta. I know you worked very hard on it. Just keep plugging away. Let it roll off you like water off a duck.
Hey thanks man. I appreciate it.
Aside from your blog, how are you promoting the book? I have several other friends who are very active on Facebook and other social media in promoting their books. One of them wrote a Fantasy novel and goes to fantasy conventions to promote it.
to some extent my promoting has been halted due to my health issues.
basically we did a book trailer on amazon, a friend is doing a longer one now. I went on a couple of pod casts. we had a blog tour in which about 10 or 12 people reviewed it on various blogs.
we also have two face book pages.
Don't let it get you down too far, man. I loved your book. Read it cover to cover, spurred a lot of thought, blogged a whole summer series about it, and when I got to the end I honestly wished for more.
You can't always tell what the impact of something will be, right away. Especially with an angle that is outside of the usual, people may have to get used to the idea first.
Take care & God bless
Anne / WF
thanks Weekend. I appreciate your encouragement. I'm glad you liked the book.
Met I don't get what you mean?
I think Met wanted links to Weekend's blog posts about your book, like this one: http://weekendfisher.blogspot.com/2014/06/religious-experience-and-world-of-nature.html
I know those. I wanted the Facebook links. Found one, but it's quite sparse, just a frame of a page really. When they are a little more ready, I will push them on there.
Trace of God on face book (unofficial)
that's the only one I can find.
Here are both:
Just basic info for each, but I "Liked" them both.
thanks Mike
first one
second one
Sorry you're feeling down. I havent seen you around CARM lately, I hope you're doing well.
Might I call you Joe from now on?
I know I'm about a month late but, I just hope you bounce back to better times.
Dealing with stuff by our own is really hard sometimes, please do not ever give up!
Kind Regards.
sorry to take so long answering. I've been in the hospital. yes for a month counting rehab. Yes call me joe by all means.
turns out I was not feeling well, my kidneys shut down i wasin the hospital for a month, almost died.
I am not going back to carm. big waste of time.
Glad you are out of the hospital, my friend.
CARM has suffered from your absence. Be well, my friend.
You cannot change the world. You can only change yourself.
hey thanks man. I appreciate it.
Thanks Mike that means a lot to me.
Hi Joe,
I am a Christian from Germany and I want to encourage you. If you do what God has called you to do you may not see the results in the life of others while you are still living on this earth.
Myself I just stepped down from the core leadership team of our church in order to do lead a apologetics small group. For the moment my direct influence will be less since in my group there will be only around 10-15 people.
But it would be a mistake not to do what God has called me to do and what my real passion is.
(Since I have a full time job, a wife and 3 kids I cannot do everything at the same time with a good quality).
I just bought you book and received it yesterday. But I have to wait until Christmas to read it since it is one of my Christmas gifts ;)
God bless You
I hope things work out
I read your experience of going from the Church of Christ to an Atheist to being "born again". I was just wondering why you seem to have such a vendetta against atheists specifically. It seemed that when you became an atheist you just wanted to beat Christians and their arguments down and then when you became born again, then atheists got the brunt of your displeasure. Was it some bad experience with a couple of them that made you seem to lash out at everyone that happens to identify with the label "atheist". Looking forward to maybe hearing back from you.
I read your experience of going from the Church of Christ to an Atheist to being "born again". I was just wondering why you seem to have such a vendetta against atheists specifically.
meta--obviously because of how they treated me and others on line. the atheists of my day were quite different from those spawned by the internet.
It seemed that when you became an atheist you just wanted to beat Christians and their arguments down and then when you became born again, then atheists got the brunt of your displeasure.
meta--when I was an atheists the fundies in texasw treated me something like atheists on line did, although not as badly.
Was it some bad experience with a couple of them that made you seem to lash out at everyone that happens to identify with the label "atheist".
meta--no genius it bad experiences with the vast majority of them. you do not pay attention do you? wipe the ideologically induced haze out of your eyea and read this web site again. this is the very thing its about.
Looking forward to maybe hearing back from you.
meta-- seriously leave the brain washing at the door an read this whole site. its obviously not just one or two.
6:39 PM
I read your experience of going from the Church of Christ to an Atheist to being "born again". I was just wondering why you seem to have such a vendetta against atheists specifically.
meta--obviously because of how they treated me and others on line. the atheists of my day were quite different from those spawned by the internet.
It seemed that when you became an atheist you just wanted to beat Christians and their arguments down and then when you became born again, then atheists got the brunt of your displeasure.
meta--when I was an atheists the fundies in texasw treated me something like atheists on line did, although not as badly.
Was it some bad experience with a couple of them that made you seem to lash out at everyone that happens to identify with the label "atheist".
meta--no genius it bad experiences with the vast majority of them. you do not pay attention do you? wipe the ideologically induced haze out of your eyea and read this web site again. this is the very thing its about.
Looking forward to maybe hearing back from you.
meta-- seriously leave the brain washing at the door an read this whole site. its obviously not just one or two.
6:39 PM
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