
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The cowardly nature of atheist trolls

I have taken out language that is offensive (even to me even though I used it)> I apolgoize for making personal insults against individuals and using terms that demine people. On that same basis I rejected some comments sent in and then realized I am guilty of it too.

they had a little feeding frenzy mocking and ridiculing ideas that are way beyond their understanding. They had the fun of saying really stupid thins and showing how ignorant they are.I begin a rational exposition of why they are stupid. They insult my spelling (14 little trollish comments on it) then they run away like the little cowards they are.

What is the meaning of this? A whole generation of wastrel robots who can't think but are violently over excited and ready conduct a lynching at the slightest idea that contradicts their precious little ideological slogans.

Its' so fair to attack a dyslexic for spelling. that's like standing over the wheel chair of a person without legs and going "Run Damn! you lazy creator why can't you run??"

why would anyone want to be associated with a movement of angry violent and stupid people who can't think and have n scruples? And who are also cowards on top of it all.

Just like an old Western movie my own side as been pretty cowardly about helping. We are the majority 92% (believe in God). They are a small fringe group as small as the percentage of communists in the cold war in America (about 3%). It's time for us to stop acting like we are the fringe minority and they are the vast majority and started demanding that they show some social responsibly on the net.

Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying that makes us right. What it makes us is strong. I'm sick of their little stupid ass game paying attacks, mockery, ridicule, cowardice and stupidity. they are not strong, we are. why should we be pushed around? This has nothing to do with proving whose right. Its' about proving who is sick and tired of a band of literate no nothing pushing people around.


  1. The first rule of blogging and posting on boards is, Don't Feed the Trolls!

    The second rule of blogging and posting on boards is, Don't Feed the Trolls!

    The third of blogging and posting on boards is, If you are tempted to feed the trolls, see rules one and two.

  2. You are feeding them ever time you do a post like this.

  3. yea but I had 4000 hits yesterday. That means 4000 people saw their crap on reddit and came over here to go "O look how stupid he is. tee hee hee he's so dumb! Chistians are so dumb."

    at that point, I mean 4000, It's great day if I get 150. So it seemed there's no point in holding back at that level. Not feeding them wasn't going to make any difference. They weren't coming over because of what I said in this one post.

  4. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Those of us who took the time to get to know you, know that you are smart. The ones who don't bother aren't worth your time.

  5. thank man. I really do appreciate it. But just the fact that they would go "I haven't heard of this Kuhn guy before, so he must stupid" instead "I have haven't heard of him so maybe I should reserve judgment" just makes me so angry. Its' the epitome of ignorance and intolerance.

  6. Yep, and you see it from fundamentalists of all stripes.

  7. Anonymous8:33 AM

    "...they are not strong, we are. why should we be pushed around? This has nothing to do with proving whose right. Its' about proving who is sick and tired of a band of literate no nothing pushing people around. "

    So might makes right, and if you don't like what people say you should use the power of the majority to crush them?

    And you call atheists "brownshirts?"

    What do you propose doing, Joe? Breaking atheist shop windows? Roughing them up in the streets? Maybe you could make us all wear coloured badges for easy identification?

  8. now you know that' not what I said.

  9. I'll wear my scarlet "A" with pride. ;-)

  10. Brown shirts? What's wrong with UPS?

    I mean I prefer FedEx, but... ;-)

  11. I rejected a comment even though I would like to have accepted it, but it used language that is too demining to people. I realized I am guilty also so I have edited the op.

  12. This is the morality some atheists are so proud of? To bully and belittle those who are weak into giving up their beliefs? There's a term used for that sort of behavior: it's called coercion, as practiced by the Nazis, the Soviets and religious fanatics that atheists hate oh so much.

    Of course such atheists see anyone who follows religion as a fanatic. They sit behind their computers all day dreaming up ways to attack those who follow religion. They're too scared to do it in real life and fear confrontation online. How cowardly of the Internet tough guy atheust who has no life outside bullying religion.

  13. And they're too cowardly to rationally discuss religion, or even to try and justify their actions. No, in their petty insignificent minds atheists think they can hide behind the excuse of there being no morality (never mind the fact they claim to be morally superior), or that you cannot label atheists as bigots (yet believe they can claim this for religion) or even think they don't have to give an explanation. When atheists are subject to the treatment they give to others they scream their tits off. Yet somehow they think it is okay for them to be on the same morality level as pedophiles.

  14. *continued*

    That's also not a bad idea to break their shops windows to make them pay back for their crimes against humanity BUT we ARE NOT at that stage for a huge HUGE revolution quite yet............................

    Why should the trolls be allowed to sit on their asses all day with free Obamacare and Social Security while the majority of Americans work their asses off hardly able to pay their bills on time?

    You ask me where the sense is in all that and I'll give you a free cyber ice cream

    These trolls are probably smoking dope while they are typing so they cannot think rationally one bit.

  15. Why should the trolls be allowed to sit on their asses all day with free Obamacare and Social Security while the majority of Americans work their asses off hardly able to pay their bills on time?

    You ask me where the sense is in all that and I'll give you a free cyber ice cream

    These trolls are probably smoking dope while they are typing so they cannot think rationally one bit.

    why would you think atheist tend to be on welfare? I know atheist trolls who are extreme Republicans.

    Bush started the bail out remember? Bush did more to destroy this country than anyone in history. Obama is a God send. you speak like Obama invented welfare. you are just ignorant as they are.
