
Sunday, May 21, 2023

On break

under the weather


  1. Feel better soon, Joe! Praying for you!

  2. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Get well soon.


  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Joseph Hinman loves Communist China and wishes that America were more like that country.

  4. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The vast majority of democrats have had excellent upbringings. I don't understand why they hate this country so much.

  5. Anonymous10:54 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Anon yu are so stupid. I bet your are into Qanon? dumb ass

  7. I drove a car and broke down, I tried to fix my car people driving by shouted "why do you hate your car?"

  8. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Ah, yes, spoken like a typical "tolerant" progressive. You get your panties all tied up in a knot and delete my last comment because you didn't like it. BOHOO! There is no reason to automatically associate someone with "Qanon." You only do that to make your opponents look ridiculous, but it is only people with YOUR ideology that are ridiculous. You shouldn't try to fix things that are not broken, and your "solutions" only make things worse. You've worked hard to make this culture no better than ancient Greece or Rome. That is your idea of "progress." Try a little harder next time. You look stupid to any reasonable person. People like yourself are a disgrace to our country.

  9. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Normal patriotic Americans: "Our God. Our family. Our nation."

    Progressive democrats: "My sexuality. My race. My ethnicity. Let us confiscate your guns and imprison you for using the wrong pronouns to describe me."

  10. If you really cared about god you would take seriously "judge not that ye be not jugged."

  11. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Wow, you truly are disconnected from reality. I've never read, heard, or been associated with anything to do with this "Qanon" that you speak of. In fact, it wasn't until the past year that I even heard of this term. What are you talking about? I am just a sane person who has a sense of morals and values. No one in this country is racist. If anyone in the workforce said anything to demean the skin color of another person, then he would lose his job (and rightfully so). I judge people by the content of their character, not skin color. If you want to get and stay out of poverty, get a job. After that, spend less than you earn and possibly consider investing. Climb yourself gradually up the financial ladder. "Welfare" should not exist except for the disabled, elderly, and women with children. Both parties are guilty of shedding the innocent blood of our young men and women in foreign countries where we didn't belong. I can point to Rome, Greece, Babylonia, Chaldea, and other ancient societies. It isn't at all neurotic to point out that our culture is headed in the direction of those countries. Gee, parents think it is okay to expose their children to perverts who dance sexually for them. Your not disturbed by things like that?!?!?

  12. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Republicans aren't my cup of tea, but democrat politicians are just downright perverse and lawless.

  13. Anonymous5:23 PM

    That was some of the dumbest crap you've ever said. Do you treat your friend Jesse Albrecht this way? I know he doesn't agree with your crazy shit.

  14. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Banning the 1619 project in public schools isn't authoritarian, it's common sense to not have historical falsehoods taught as facts in tax funded schools.

  15. Hey Joe

    Hoping you're feeling better!

  16. You must be feeling better now since you have a new blog entry. If that's true, good.

    Also, How are you doing, Weekend Fisher? I remember an entry you did about mind and matter from 2016 that we were talking about (I remember telling Stan from Atheism Analyzed about it).

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hey Fisher, Jab yes I am feeling better thanks.
