
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Eddie Haskel (Ken Osmond) dies

This is a major shake up for my sense of security,


  1. Frank Bank (aka "Lumpy") is gone too. The foundations are crumbling. Only Wally and the Beave are left. Maybe Larry Mondello. The news stories said Osmond had respiratory issues -- I wonder if he died of Covid.

  2. I thought of that too--carna virus.

    I read that when they were getting ready to do "still the Beaver," 80s reunion show, they went to the door of Robert "Rusty" Stevens who played Larry his wife said they had the wrong guy, because he never told her he was on the show.

  3. Stevens hated being Mondello because they made him sit around all the time at the studio. He had to go to special classes for school. He wanted to go back to his real school. they liked him a lot even better than Mathers, because he was so natural in his acting. But he hated it.

  4. Too bad. Larry was really funny, and so was his mother. He had an invisible dad who was always gone on a business trip. "Just wait until your father gets home!"

  5. I know he was the most interesting of Beaver's friends and the only one with a family. Counting Lumpy as Wallies friend.

  6. Stevens hated being Mondello because they made him sit around all the time at the studio. He had to go to special classes for school. He wanted to go back to his real school. they liked him a lot even better than Mathers, because he was so natural in his acting. But he hated it.

    Too bad. They could have done a spin-off series about him and his family; "Mondo Mondello" :)

  7. Rusty Stevens made an appearance as Larry Mondello in "Still the Beaver":

  8. I know when they were looking for him his wife told them they had the wrong guy because he never told her he was on the show.

  9. Here's Wally singing the theme song to the show with original lyrics.

  10. I've seen that. It's after all these years,I've never heard of that song. I always felt like it had lyrics.

  11. It's called "The Toy Parade." I think it was written specifically for the show. By Dave Kahn, Morton Leonard, Dave Green

    Hey! Here they come with a rum-tee tum they're having a toy parade.
    A tin giraffe with a fife and drum is leading the kewpie parade.
    A gingham cat in a soldier's hat is waving a Chinese fan,
    A plastic clown in a wedding gown is dancing with Raggedy Ann.

    Fee fie fiddle dee dee they're crossing the living room floor
    Fee fie fiddle dee dee they're up to the dining room door.
    They call a halt for a choc'late malt or cookies and lemonade
    Then off they go with a ho ho ho right back to their toy brigade
