
Thursday, December 03, 2015

some one say something!!!

I need evidence that someone sees this sight. are you all spam bots? someone say something!!!


  1. Thank you! at least I have one reader. what do you think of the stuff I write about?

  2. runamonk11:29 PM

    Hi, I have been coming back here lately. My frustration with internet atheists brought me back to become more familiar with some of your arguments. You can get a lot of subscribers if you make youtube videos, show your face and talk to the camera are important to get subscribers. You could use text too, but those two things I just said help create an audience. You might also look at more popular atheist youtubers, and create videos using clips from the atheist's videos, with your repsonse in video text. But for some reason people like the youtuber showing their face and talking to the camera. But even if you just used video text using clips of the atheist video would be good especially if that channel has a lot of subscribers. Doing this might create views, from your arguments, and you could link to your blog or site. You don't have show your face, talking off camera could work too. I don't make youtube videos myself, this is info I simply came across and also noticed. So, just my unprofrssional opinion.

  3. Hey Runamonk great to see you again. It's been a long time. I need someone to show me the ropes on that. Does it cost a lot? I have no idea how. Right now I'm still in rehab I don't want to be seen in a hospital bed. But I know it would be good to know. How can I learn more about it?

  4. I check back with your blog periodically. Thanks fo your thought provoking posts.

  5. I check back with your blog periodically. Thanks fo your thought provoking posts.

  6. I check back with your blog periodically. Thanks fo your thought provoking posts.
