
Friday, July 11, 2008

Atheists True Colors

I will be going back to atheist watch. The world needs a site where one is willing to expose the hate grup that masquerade as "intellectuals." The atheists are no more intellectual than Hitler and the brown shirts. They think like the brown shirts. their rhetoric toward Chrsitains is very similar to the rhetoric used by Nazis against the Jews in the early part of the 30's. I've tried to keep negative stuff off this blog and confine it to Atheist Watch. But I just want you to see the kind of games these guys play.

debuncking Christiantiy a site devoted to bullying Christians, to mocking and ridiculing all who do not cow tow to mob rule, an atheist named Ty starts a dialog with me. Supposedly he intends to rationally discuss my arguments.

He says this:

On your website you wrote, "I'm no longer an inerrentist." This was in an argument of how to handle God's atrocities against the innocent in the Bible.

Okay, this is a fairly liberal view by your own admission.

I respond thusly:

No it' not. Real liberals tell me I'm neo Orthodox.

he says this:

So, I want to know what standard you use to determine what is true in the Bible and what is not

Now I wrote three long responses. Three because his overall post long, at this point it was all very civil. I said this:

same way you would determine that in any document. We have to assume that miracles are taken on faith. Is it always important to understand the miracles as literal? Use historical analysis and literary cit to understand what is mythology and what is real history. Seek the theological point because that's the real truth content that is being communicated.

have you read my peice on Doxa about

The nature of Biblical revelation?

10:15 AM, July 11, 2008

we also discussed having a debate and some other things. Then he came back with this astounding bit of brilliance:


you're an asshole.

On your fucking website you wrote, "My views on this section ar fairly liberal" in refering to your views of the canonical gospels. I was merely quoting your website and you write me back about your own words the following bullshit, "No it' not. Real liberals tell me I'm neo Orthodox."

Well, fuck you and the horse you road in on. Debate is about honest intellectual discussion, not the bullshit you're tyring to pass off as debate.

"why don't you go to college, take some literure clases and ask the teacher how to read?"

Again, you're an asshole.

what was the reason for this? Because on my site I said my view was liberal and on their blog I said real liberals think I'm neo orthodox. how in the hell does that warrant this kind of childish tantrum? Do you really think that someone who blows his cool so easily had anything to say about matters philosophical, theological, scholarly and complex? Isn't it clear what atheists are by now? They are a hate group. The exist to brow beat anyone who disagrees with them, to mock and ridicule religion and anyone who gets in the way is a fool and will be promptly disposed of through psychological methods of ridicule and brow beating.

I don't think it's possible to have rational discussions with these people. I don't the reason to even try. I beg my fellow Christians on the net. stop trying to communicate with them. have nothing to do with these God hating violent creep who cannot think or reason or have an intelligent discussion.

Or was it just that he got himself into a position to have a formal debate before his cronies could tell him I would have him for lunch, then he to blackout without saying "O I can't debate you you know too much." So he just stages a blow up. Now they are going to be saying "O that Metacrock he's so insulting. they are going to turn it to be my fault. I know they will. they will make out that I started it and they will spread the word all over the internet that I began the insults.

I said nothing insulting. to prove it I will post the three sections I wrote to him in the comment area and you tell me what is insulting?

I am sure that Hermit and anan will be sending in comments saying "O you insult people all the time." I have never done this to anyone. First of all I post on CARM where you can't call someone an asshole. I have called them ignorant and said they don't know anything. I never even did that for such a trivial reason and I never bailed out of a good dsicussion in order to fire cheap insults at people.


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    i've played your game before. you won't clearly state your beliefs so someone can engage with you in a serious debate. you enter into discussions implying you beleive a thing and when they prove that what you implied is not possible to be, then you say well that isn't what i belive. if you want to enter into a debate, YOU must make the dclarative statement and define your terms. if you want to debate the existance of god, you must state in simple terms what you believe is true about your god. you cannot imnply you believe in one kind and then let them debunk that kind and then shift your definition. You seem to rely so heavily on that degree you almost have which makes you come off as a desparate fool. none of them have to rely on spewing credentials during a debate. all you do is goad them that they won't debate you but you never make a statement that you want to debate, along with the definitions. you make yourself a moving target because it suits your style of argument, which is pathetic. no one takes you seriously because of that. stop the whining and the accusations and make a clear cut statement that you want to debate, define your terms, and keep complaining out of it while you stick to the logical points and you might have some luck. if you are arguing about god, you will still lose as there is not god. but hey, at least you will have your exercise.

  2. i've played your game before.

    who are you? are you ty on the dc blog?

    you won't clearly state your beliefs so someone can engage with you in a serious debate. you enter into discussions implying you beleive a thing and when they prove that what you implied is not possible to be, then you say well that isn't what i belive. if you want to enter into a debate, YOU must make the dclarative statement and define your terms. if you want to debate the existance of god, you must state in simple terms what you believe is true about your god. you cannot imnply you believe in one kind and then let them debunk that kind and then shift your definition.

    it would help if you weren't an idiot. because you are an idiot you don't' understand taht "liberal" is a subject term and doesn't necessarily imply any particular belief system.

    saying I'm liberal or neo orthodox doesn't imply any particular view of God.

    You seem to rely so heavily on that degree you almost have which makes you come off as a desparate fool.

    that's really stupid. you can't just think and argue and go by the logic and the evidence documented. you have to either have a degree or not. that's stupid. I said specifically "do not feel bad about not having a degree" did you not understand that? Did you t think I was trying to rub your nose in it or something? I was trying to put us on a level playing field so you would not feel bad, did you not get that?

    none of them have to rely on spewing credentials during a debate.

    Hector and John do. all the time.

    all you do is goad them that they won't debate you but you never make a statement that you want to debate,

    if you had any kind of brains you would see that I did tell them what statment I wanted to debte. see that proves you didn't read the links or the stuff in the comments. Because you are an idiot. you jsut go off half cocked and don't think. you should have taken the time to know what you are talking about.

    along with the definitions. you make yourself a moving target because it suits your style of argument, which is pathetic. no one takes you seriously because of that. stop the whining and the accusations and make a clear cut statement that you want to debate, define your terms, and keep complaining out of it while you stick to the logical points and you might have some luck. if you are arguing about god, you will still lose as there is not god. but hey, at least you will have your exercise.

    my definition of God is right up there on my God argument list for all to see. been there for 10 years since I put the list up

    2:45 PM

  3. Joe, I'm just sad to see this. I had hoped you were bigger than this. I was excited to see a new post from your blog in my RSS feed, and this was it.

  4. Well, back to the good positive stuff. I'm putting all these dealings with atheists behind. From now on it's I wont talk to them, just talk about ideas.

  5. Understood. I will respect your wishes and not bother you again.

  6. that's not what I said. ok point well taken. you are an atheist. you are not like the people that set me off. I realize they are not the only atheists. Obviously I meant I wont go to their site and deal with them directly (the DC crowd) since they set me off.

  7. Oh, ok. I totally misunderstood you. I totally support you in not dealing with the atheists that get under your skin.

    I will continue to bother you then. ;-)

  8. ahahahhahaha, ok thanks buddy. ;-)
