
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Think of it as A Pledge Drive

at this point we are in emergency mode. An unexpected expense took all our fonds. I have no bandages and can't get any more. I can't work without showering and I can't shower without bandages. We also are about to be without any food and no money to get any. I appreciate a hand. Think of it as pledging, like with PBS. I get up every morning at 4am to write good blogs before work. Bellow is the background to the bandaging problem.

I have asked for money before, but I hate doing it and try not to make a habit of it. I only did it to save my house so my brother and I would not be homeless. Now we have an equally compelling crisis. I helped a friend get her lights turned back on, now we don't have enough to keep our lights on. Moreover,I can't buy my bandages.

I need bandages everyday because I have problem called Venus ulcer disease. It means that the circulatory system in my legs has packed up and I am not getting blood back up form my ankles to the rest of the body. The consequences is that I have big gaping sores all over my legs and the skin rots and leaks "ouk." That's not a technical term. The technical term is "interstitial mass." But it's ouk. It's gross, my pants and shoes get all messy unless I bandage my legs.

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not my actual legs.they look better than this but they did look similar to
this at one time.

Here's an article about it but the pictures are kind of gross
The major problem is infection.IF I get a bad infection my legs might have to be cut off. I am not exaggerating.

I am supposed to bandages everyday but I can't afford to. I have to use abd pads with ace bandages around them for compression. I only bandages every two or three days because I just can't afford the bandages.

I have been to churches and ministries and charities,to government social workers, the visiting nurses; there are no structures to pay for his problem. My family can only help me now and then.

Now I hate asking but you know, there areprofessional bloggers who ask their readership to support them entirely so that they are independent and only blog for a living.

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actual hospital where I was treated for Venus Ulcers in the
wound care center at Plano Presbyterian, Plano Texas.

I'm asking the regular readers of (that's you!) to become micropatrons of by contributing a moderate sum of money to help enable me to edit/write/design/code the site for one year on a full-time basis. If you find valuable in any way, please consider giving whatever you feel is appropriate.

I just don't think I have that much to say. No blog is that valuable when there are million others for free. On the other hand, I am only asking for help with one bill and bandages.

It's a truly disgusting feeling to have ouk dripping down your leg into your shoe, and it really can cause infection not to bandage. Infection would result in amputation.

Please click on the link to the left side bar under "website links" "save Meta's legs" or go here. This is the link to a button where you can donate through my pay pal account.

Or you can just use this button:

from Pub med
Quality of life of people with venous leg ulcers: a comparison of the discriminative and responsive characteristics of two generic and a disease specific instruments.
Iglesias CP, Birks Y, Nelson EA, Scanlon E, Cullum NA.

Department of Health Sciences, University of York, North Yorkshire, UK.

BACKGROUND: Venous leg ulcers are an important source of morbidity in society. Measuring the impact of leg ulcers on quality of life is important within clinical and economic evaluations.

I really need help and there is no source that it is coming from.

Venus ulcer disease is incurable, so I've been told by the wound care specialists. I have seen hints of cures on the net, but its so extremely expensive to even go to a wound care specialist. At one hospital near by its' $300. just to have an office visit! It's a painful condition. I am always in pain and no one really cares enough to just shell out $50.00 or so bucks a month to help keep my legs bandaged.

This is all I'm asking, just from some basic help so I can treat my legs and save them and to keep my lights on. In Texas summer you can't survive without air conditioning.

Thank you

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