
Saturday, February 04, 2006

Welcoming exotic visitors

Perc. Country Name
81 81.00% United States
5 5.00% Netherlands
4 4.00% Canada
3 3.00% Norway
3 3.00% United Kingdom
2 2.00% Dominica
1 1.00% Spain
1 1.00% Saudi Arabia

We have a nice little crop of exotic readership this time. The Dominican reader is new, but has vistied several times in the last few weeks or days. Our Saudi friend is fairly new. All are welcome. I get a real kick out of seeing that people around the world are reading it.


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Just a note that the number of Dutchmen visiting your blog is not as high as it seems, because I regularly visit it from at least three different places.

  2. Nice to know that, but I figure that's the case with everyone.

  3. WEll before you I thought the only Dutch reader was my friend from the ECA. So the percentrage of Dutch readership had doubled just since this morning!
