
Thursday, July 28, 2005

good mix of visitors

I love to see where people are coming fro. It gives me a kick to see that people in Eruope and asia and all over the world are reading my blog. Yesterday had an interesting mix of places:

Num Perc. Country Name
48 51.06% United States
21 22.34% Canada
15 15.96% United Kingdom
2 2.13% Australia
1 1.06% Denmark
1 1.06% Singapore
1 1.06% South Africa
1 1.06% Uruguay
1 1.06% Netherlands
1 1.06% Luxembourg
1 1.06% Belgium
1 1.06% Norway

Thailand guy isn't reading much anmymore. Let me year form you. I'd love to year from anyone represted by that ilst.


  1. Hey Metacrock, hello from Australia.

    I suppose I should ask an apologetics question... what do you think of the Argument from Non-Belief? It's been bothering me lately...

    Take care and God bless

  2. hey good to hear from my friends down under, in Oz.

    I have never thought much of argument from belief or non beleif. I argue from belief as a sign post for innate religious instinct. But that's not the evidence I give. I doin't think that by itself is enough to pull the argument.

  3. Maxvel, yea and your blog is the speed of life? I know you from CARM. Well thanks man! Glad you are still around.

  4. A new one from Canada. I'm jbarcher from christianforums. :)
